A unifying narrative for divided times, Bent Toward Justice tells the story of Murray Schwartzman, a Polish Jew who survived the Holocaust and escaped to America. But while Schwartzman may have found respite from external conflict in his peaceful and supportive American Jewish community, he faces a new internal upheaval. An encounter with an apparently anti-Semitic doctor forces Schwartzman to confront his beliefs about Palestinians being the enemy of the Jewish people.

About Steve

Steve Feldman portrait

Steve Feldman is a historian, an activist for human rights, a writer, a Libertarian, and a former candidate for Congress.

As a physician and medical scientist who works with insurers, patient advocates, pharmaceutical companies, and other physicians to improve healthcare delivery, he has been rated one of the world’s leading experts in dermatology.

Steve has lived in North Carolina for more than 40 years and received his medical training at Duke University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He has been married to his wife Leora for 40 years. They have two sons, one a sportswriter and the other a graduate student studying statistics.

Recent Events

Steve appeared on the radio show Talkline with Zev Brenner to be interviewed about his book Bent Toward Justice.